Saturday, February 4, 2012

20 Days of WoW Blogging: Day 10 - My favorite Blogs and Sites

Edit: WHAT THE ASS? I'll just have to upload this to YouTube instead of my G+. Will be fixed at some point. Ass.

This is my cat, Fred. This is what he does when I try to play the piano. He is a butt. Also, Google Video? This came in from my Google Plus account and whatttttttt? There is some outdated code out there.

I'll admit, I'm only starting to get into the extended WoW blogging community. For years I've read WoWInsider and I have followed it from its journey from to to But I'm starting to gather a collection of WoW blogs and blogs of WoW'ers:
  • The Guardian Tank: Eldoric over here is a fantastic guy who loves to tank. He runs a podcast out of there that I've actually been on twice. 
  • Apple Cider Mage: Come here for talk about mages and feminism.
  • The Border House: The Border House is a place for those who belong to marginalized groups and their allies. They have truly excellent articles that you won't find anywhere else.
  • A Sunnier Bear: I love bears. Bears Bears Bears Bears Bears.
  • And more: like I said, I'm just getting into the WoW blogging community, so if you don't see something here, it's either that I haven't gotten around to it, or I'm horrible at remembering things.
I also love twitter. I follow lots of people on twitter, all of whom I think are awesome. Some of those people have started blogging recently (or will), here are the spaces that I'm watching out for:
When it comes to non-gaming/non-WoW  blogging, there are several things that I love to read. You should check these out as well:
  • Animals Being Dicks: Hilarious GIFs of animals. What more do you want?
  • Nedroid Picture Diary: Comics featuring a bear and a bird. Cute and hilarious.
  • Emmy Cicierega: She makes some of the cutest drawings...ever.
  • Chester 5000 XYV: Sexy comics. Victorian and has a sex robot but I wouldn't call it steampunk. Lots of boners. NSFW. 
  • Oglaf: Hilarious and often pornographic. Raunchy fantasy humor. 
  • My Milk Toof: This is so cute. Photocomics. Infrequent posting, but always worth the wait.
I like other things, of course, but I felt like I'd keep it to the lesser known stuff. Check all that stuff out, it's really great. 

What other things should I check out? What am I missing out on? Let me know in the comments.